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В Петербурге уровень инфекционных заболеваний среди детей стал рекордно низким

В настоящее время уровень заболеваемости инфекционными заболеваниями среди детей в Петербурге достиг самых низких показателей. Опасности распространения метапневмовирусом нет. Об этом сообщил «Петербургский дневник».

The main conceptual idea is that infectious diseases among children in St. Petersburg have reached record lows. This is due to the fact that, while a new virus called metapneumovirus is circulating, it is common and not causing widespread illness. Children experiencing respiratory symptoms are being tested for a variety of viruses, including metapneumovirus, but it only accounts for a small percentage of cases. Medical experts express no concern about metapneumovirus evolving to resemble COVID-19.

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